Ein vorausschauender Rückblick auf die Legislatur Scholz I im Futur II
A plead for rationality
The time of actual health restrictions imposed on private and public life seems to be over. Even though it might be rational to still stick to them, we don't really care anymore. Why is this? The attempt of an explanation.
Corona Aesthetics
Throughout the history of philosophy fathoming the nature of beauty has been a concern. The corona lockdown challenges our current perception of the ideal body. Is it possible that we will develop a new understanding of beauty, that „Corona Aesthetics“ will evolve?
On the Politics of Life
A lot of the measures against the Coronavirus have found little or no disapproval by the majority of the population, and many protests against the measures are regarded with suspicion. Yet, should we not be critical of the authoritarian aspects of the measures and of the understanding of politics they exhibit? An essay.
Does health outweigh our moral values?
How can we justify the current lockdown from a philosophical perspective? Is it justifiable at all? And does Corona pose a problem to our understanding of social justice? An inquiry into the ethics of health care.
Why write about Corona?
Corona has become the inevitable focal point of all debates. No matter whether this is getting on our nerves or not, we cannot escape the questions the pandemic implies. This is why we have to debate them, and why we launch a new column.
Die Gewöhnung an den Ausnahmezustand
Corona hat unsere Gewohnheiten und Routinen bereits jetzt verändert. Wie wird sich das auf die Zeit nach Corona auswirken?
Philipp Kitcher on Moral Progress
Is there such a thing as moral progress? Where does it come from? How do we determine what it is? Read how we discuss these questions (and many more) with philosopher Philipp Kitcher.
Die Wieder-Wieder-holung-holung
Gehen Freiheit und Bildung im heutigen Universitätssystem zusammen? Oder ist uns durch das ECTS still und leise unsere Freiheit und damit auch unsere Chance zur Bildung abhanden gekommen? Dieser Artikel macht sich auf die Suche nach dem Verstehen von Inhalten unter den heutigen Studienbedingungen. Das Ergebnis: Wer sich der Wegwerf-Mentalität zum Trotz auf die Wieder-Wieder-holung-holung einlässt und sich so mit seiner*ihrer Literatur anfreundet, der*die kann in das eigentliche Studieren hineinfinden. Ein Plädoyer für eine #KopernikanischeUniversitätswende.
On experimental philosophy and national liberalism
On which methods should philosophers rely? How can we fight inequality and injustice? And what is the role of the nation-state? An interview about political philosophy with Oxford professor David Miller.