How can we justify the current lockdown from a philosophical perspective? Is it justifiable at all? And does Corona pose a problem to our understanding of social justice? An inquiry into the ethics of health care.
Why write about Corona?
Corona has become the inevitable focal point of all debates. No matter whether this is getting on our nerves or not, we cannot escape the questions the pandemic implies. This is why we have to debate them, and why we launch a new column.
On experimental philosophy and national liberalism
On which methods should philosophers rely? How can we fight inequality and injustice? And what is the role of the nation-state? An interview about political philosophy with Oxford professor David Miller.
Die Linksliberalen und die Allianz der Frustrierten
Ein Gespenst geht um in deutschen Feuilletons. Es ist das Gespenst des Linksliberalismus. Kann es sich gegen frustrierten Irrationalismus durchsetzen?